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10 Feb

Freshwater Fishing Videos With Carolina ALL OUT

Check out these great videos from Chris Douglas with Carolina ALL OUT as he travels over the Carolina’s for freshwater fishing.

Western NC River Smallmouth






Western North Carolina rivers have strong populations of smallmouth bass that can be accessed by a rod, some tackle, and wading boots! It doesn’t take much to have a good time and NC Wildlife District 8 Fisheries Biologist David Goodfred takes Chris upstream to wade for these aggressive bronzebacks!

Lumber River -Pan Fish to Pan Fried

The All Out Crew is headed to Robeson County to take their “One Man Boats” up the Lumber River with Brandon Freeman of Gator’s Outdoor Adventures and Guide Service to target the Redbreast Sunfish, known as the Redbreast Robin. Smell the hot grease as Brandon dresses them and Chris fries them with Carolina Cooker gear!





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