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16 Feb

Maintaining A Fishing Log……For Bigger Results

Many fishermen enjoy loading up their gear, heading to the boat ramp, putting the boat in the water, heading to their favorite fishing spot, then fishing the day away only to have little or no fish caught. Fast forward to the next week where the same process takes place with the same results. The same approach with the same results takes place week after week and year after year. But there is an answer. It may take a little effort at first, but with the improved result, you will never go back to the old ways. 

In today’s world of technology, we have access to a number of ways to gather information that will impact our world, especially our fishing world. It’s important to gather that information, but it’s just as important to organize it and better yet, blend it for a greater look at where, when, and how to fish. No matter how experienced a fisherman you are, taking out a large part of the guesswork can be a game-changer. For me, it’s my “Fishing Log”. It’s my playbook of sorts that houses information on when, where, and for how long I should fish in a certain location. Less wasted time and more productive fishing. Now who can turn that down? 


My fishing log is actually pretty simple. I take a small notebook that I can place in my tackle bag. Then I make a list of the components that I feel are important to track. Such as: 

  • Water temperature 
  • Fish movement 
  • Wind direction 
  • The time of day when I caught fish 
  • The time of day that I didn’t catch fish 
  • Where fish were caught 
  • What were the conditions when I caught fish 

Some of these factors can be obtained the night before, such as the water temps and wind direction. The trick is to use your fishing logbook the following year to determine the best conditions for great fishing. Make sure to keep the log for the same locations for future years to have an even better picture of the best places, temperatures, times, tides, and locations to catch the most fish. Believe me, after a few years your “Fishing Log” will become your fishing Bible. Always keep it in a safe place and limit loaning it out. 


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